Saturday, January 30, 2010

Do Muslim Women Masterbat How Muslim Women Were Treated In The Past And Today?

How muslim women were treated in the past and today? - do muslim women masterbat

I am working on a project for my kind of spirituality, and I had difficulty in finding information about how Muslim women were treated in the past. I have information about how much more now, etc., but I need information about how they were treated. Thank you for any help!


mockingb... said...

A good question, and we hope to find answers. Muslims like to claim that their religion liberated woman, and that "a lot more now, but if you look at Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan or Iran and Pakis can not imagine a represiĆ³n, where people are proud when obeying your wife Tell them out or something that they would kill.
maybe try to learn the early history of Islamic peoples to learn from the sociology of time, and compared with the old country? "

Talk about Christianity, if you think you read Leviticus and Deuteronomy in the Bible, you may find that "the people at the time barbarians" of the medical report were (usually at the sacrifice of animals) contained therein. but if, after investigation of Egypt under the Egyptians, that the country had come to Moses, very civilized and advanced. Egypt, there was an operation on the brain, setting bones, dressing wounds, and many of shit against the barbarians. all good things went to Egypt and ended with the hypocrites (the modern medicine Oats hipocricialh), while the Jews were informed in an open fire, his hair grow long beards and scroll through the city shouting "no fair!" People warm to stay away from them too.

Maybe can you do something - the story of a Muslim nation to know and live the story of people before Islam came to the people. I do not know what I find there - for some reason I think of Mongol hordes femminits not - but I suspect that the advent of Islam do not change the designated body (nursing) of the current Arab culture, while at the same time more and more oppressive and horrible, which extends over and in his day of the jihad, or reaches caliphate.

Karina said...

Bent Rib: a ride on the cause of women in Islam by Huda al-Khattab is interesting. They say that the modern Muslim women are struggling to cope with the isolation at home and are forced to for their children and cooking for her husband at the time care. In the ancient tradition of the extended family, a person was to distract the child while you do housework. The experience and people know that the main difference between a Muslim woman, happy and sad is that if your husband is good for you, and she likes it or not. (Like everyone!) But what ever on the pair.

Anjali said...

I'm no expert on this ................
but I think that Muslim women had to be treated better today than in the past, and the UK a lot of thugs, to people with a veil ............... intimidating ....... .. These problems are now solved, since the rights of Muslims in the school, and they can in her veil in school ..............

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